My Philosophy

Earth, water, wood.  Science and craft.  These are the elements of my work.  I combine these native elements to restore natural processes, guided by science and operating with the mentality of a craftsman.  I don’t engineer habitat, I seek to heal it.   I look beyond the symptoms of poor habitat health and address the root causes of dysfunction, developing prescriptive treatment plans aimed at returning habitat conditions to as close to native as the landscape will support.  My mission is to facilitate the rejuvenation of aquatic habitats so that they function passively and in harmony with nature.

Earth, Water, Wood, Science, and Craft are my raw materials and on this website you can find a few examples of how I’ve studied and combined them to create healthy aquatic habitats.

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“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.”

- Edward Abbey