Resources & Reports

The Functional Assessment of Colorado Wetlands (FACWet) v. 3.2

The most current version of the wetland assessment used in Clean Water Act permitting and related activities. The FACWet was developed by Brad and Colleagues Mark Beardsley and Jessica Doran (EcoMetrics, LLC) for the Colorado Department of Transportation in collaboration with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The FACWet includes a user manual, semi-automated data sheets in Excel spreadsheet format and pdf format. All three may be downloaded below.


Cache la Poudre River Health Assessment Framework

This is the collaborative study that led to river health assessment as we know it today in the Colorado. This led directly to Colorado’s River Health Assessment Framework (CoRHAF) which I and colleagues are developing for the State.

The River Health Assessment Framework articulates the City's vision for a healthy and resilient river by setting recommended ranges and an A-F grading system for the key physical, chemical and biological indicators of the river. The Framework was used to create a State of the River Report in 2016 and to evaluate the river health impacts of internal and external projects.

Audubon Rockies Webinar on CO Stream Health Assessment Framework

Presenters: Mark Beardsley, EcoMetrics Brad Johnson, Johnson Environmental Consulting

Host: Abby Burk, Western Rivers Program Lead Audubon Rockies

Rocky Mountain Fen Research Project

The Rocky Mountain Fen Research Project is advancing the limits of fen wetland restoration. There are a lot of interesting stories with this project. One of them is that on the way to Leadville from Fort Collins to video this, a softball-sized rock came off a haul truck on I-76 and broke my windshield right in front of my face. I had a drive up of craning around the fractured glass and what-ifs.