Custom work takes a little longer…

I’m naturally adept at procrastination, and since there’s really not all that much reason for me to have a website, developing this site has been a protracted process. First, I had to ditch my old site and build a new one. Enter, 2020. Just one more pesky task who’s completion is owed to the pandemic. The webpage was published as a draft version with some obvious stuff that needed fixin’…. But, ya know, one gets busy and I didn’t know how to log in, much less edit content, so finishing the website seemed like a good job for another day. As such, the website languished for a few years in a state of “good enough”.

Sure, all that time the unfished task was there in the back of my head. Nagging. But, ya know, I’m pretty good at ignoring that kind of stuff.

Finally, almost mercifully, a forcefully compelling friend at CDOT induced me to cypher my log in information and learn arcane ways of web site editing - which, as it turns out, are pretty easy - in order to post FACWet related materials including the user guide and data sheets. You can find that one the Resources and Reports page under “Our Work” menu.

Having been unshackled from the grips of ignorance, I edited the entire site and added a bunch of content, including current(-ish) projects, reports and publications. My plan is to now update the site occasionally, continuously.

Until next time,


P.S. - I have no idea how to get rid of the coastal picture, but I found it okay.